I went for my first my CG outing (i think 3 weeks or is it 4 weeks back). It was awesome and when the rest of my CG members see me they were all like "He's in our CG?" and "Where were u all these times?". Hahahaha... I skipped CG for 1 whole trimester... X P and the cool part was, Nenek was in our CG as well.. hahaha... ^ ^ We went to Capitol for dinner... It was awesome... Really great time there... Was a lil drizzling but it was fine.. After that, we went to The Eye On Malaysia... It was SUPER darn funny... Tell u guys smth, when carriage no.28 reaches to the highest point of the turn, it seemed to be haunted... It is because.... There will be ppl screaming and lights flickering... Hmmm... Dun believe? Check it out here... Hehehe....
A few days back, Nad, Esther and I, went to watch a movie... It was twilight... Oh crap.. I still haven't finish reading Shima's book... Ah... Exams coming up also.... Wait... It's not just COMING UP... It's.... TMW NITE..!!! Oh Crap... ARGHHHHHH... Anyway, as i was saying... We watched a movie and had Kenny Roger's for dinner... It's been quite some time since i had Kenny's....
Then yesterday, we had... The Best Thing Ever... The thing that we have been practicing so hard for... Almost everyday of the week at nite, we would either be at YAC or at MMU main hall.. Or at AeroArts... Or at Wayne's place... Or at paddle pop... Or at....... So many places... Ahhh... But it was all for God... We had so much of practices till many of us (including me) was sick... Alot of us were coughing and flu-ing... But thanx to Ai Ai's parents, who brought many many limau and they boiled alot alot of herbal drinks for us that made us all feel better... And for those lil snacks that they brought as well... Ahhh... Thank U... ^ ^ The play/drama/musical was good... The turn out was REALLY good.. The weather... Thank U, God... The audience was Awesome... Really good supporting ppl... For they laugh at almost every scene... Cause if they did laugh at the emo scenes... That would be weird... But they laugh at almost everything... The musicians... Brilliant... Rachel wore so nice also.. Hahaha.. When she walked into the main hall... Everybody was like... WOW!!!! The make up artist and Elaine was good... Elaine was so nice... She stayed longer than she was supposed to... Just to make some of us look good... The back up singers... SUPERB..!! The props... Thank U, Fefe and Jerome for spending soooo much time doing them... The actors... It was the best... No 1 can ganti any1's place... The directors made the best of choices for every1... The ushers... They were so warm, welcoming everybody although they're not on stage... They did alot of good help... The media... I have no idea how anna does it but I dun think I can come up with anything as good as that... The presentation that she did... WOW... The lightings... Brilliant..!! The VIP's... Thank you for coming... Not forgetting... The 1 (well, they are one)... The only (no1 can ever.. EVER... EVER.. take their places)... Directors of ACTII : The Given Gift...!!! Thank u all for tahan-ing our playfulness... For ur hard work.. And for ur late nites when u got so lil time to sleep cause u guys got to stay back and have meetings on how to make us better... And the lil presentation that u guys did... That was cool... And awesome.. Hahaha... And for those times where we made u guys mad and angry... Really, deep down from all our hearts, we would like to apologize and say that we're sorry... But for the rest of it, THANK YOU GUYS SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH...!! And I'm saying this on behalf of everybody in the production... Also, thank U, God for making it all happen and for controlling the weather.. And for keeping us calm.. And for minimising those lil mistakes... And for keeping us safe from quite alot of harm... God, we would like to pray for Sylvester also... Cause of his sprained leg... Thank U so much for a person like him, and even with his sprained ankle, he was still willing to dance... God, we pray that u will heal him... Yeah... Amen..!! ^ ^
The pass few days were AWESOME... It's all because He has made it all possible... I do hope those who came and for those non-Christians will get the message... And I really do hope they didn't go back home empty handed... Thank U guys so much for making smth that seems to me like a dream something so real... I was on stage... Singing..!!! Well, a lil... Hehehe... Ahhh... Now I can't wait for next year's ACTIII already...
Amazing Grace
How sweet the sound
That saved a WRETCH like me
I once was lost
But now am found
Was blind but now I see
The Lord has promised good to me
His Word my hope secures
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures
My Chains are gone
I've been set free
My God My Saviour has ransomed me
And like a flood
His mercy reigns
Unending LOVE
How sweet the sound
That saved a WRETCH like me
I once was lost
But now am found
Was blind but now I see
The Lord has promised good to me
His Word my hope secures
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures
My Chains are gone
I've been set free
My God My Saviour has ransomed me
And like a flood
His mercy reigns
Unending LOVE
random statement.... I'm so gonna miss Kelvin and Ragu... Why did u guys have to leave? Haizz... I'm so freaking sad....
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