Lifehouse - Everything

Thursday, March 19, 2009
Was going thru some blogs and when i read Yen's, something really caught my attention.. It's a song by Lifehouse and i so, I go and youtube it... And I found this...

I was actually about to do something really stupid but thanx to God & Yen, I changed... Thanx alot u 2... I really almost did smth really stupid... And God knows, that's why He ask Yen to post so I could read and change...

Watching that clip made me realise that I can change.. With His help, ALL things are possible... ALL things...

2 mentos:

Armengsk said...

This is a great skit... I'd watched it over and over again previously and it really moves my heart.

mau said...

yeah... me too... whenever i feel bad... i just watch dis and somehow, this skit will change me... it's like God's way of telling me...