Wednesday, April 8, 2009
There are times when older ppl will come to me and "Adrian, u can't do this" or "Adrian, u can't do that". And i know la, i'm wrong at that moment. So, I dun do it anymore. But when "this" older ppl do stuffs that u can't do, that really pisses me off.

I've got 1 good example today. There's this person who tell me, "Adrian, u can't take things for granted 1. When u need transport or anything, u must let us know." But this same person today didn't let me know that i need to arrange transport for some1. It's the very same person. And end up, my own plans tergendala and I can't do things that I at first wanted to do. U think wat? I got no plans ar? Nth else to do ar? U just leave like dat and expect me to do it. Who do u think am I? Who do you think you are? Come on man, u ask me to not take things for granted, and here u are, doing the very same thing. Wat The Heck man..

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