@.@ I actually didn't know that the ringtone belong to an old man till James "waow"-ed. Hahahaha.. And btw, the ringtone was super clear and loud 1. Must be some rich old man.
Then, when we reach Ipoh, we were picked up by Sally's mummy. She's really one of the coolest mum ever. = X Hahahaha.. There were a couple of incidents. She dropped us at a place where they serve really really nice and cheap yong tau foo. And seriously, the place there was suuuuuuuuper nice. The yong tau foo there all
BIG BIG 1. Ate more than I could handle actually. And we had their ice blended red bean drink. Which was also, really good. @.@ In malacca we have coconut shake, in Ipoh they have blended red bean. Trust me, when u go to Ipoh, this is one of those things that u MUST try. = D I tried and I like it alot.
After that, Super Cool Auntie came and pick us up again and oohhhh waitttt... I forgot to note down something... Hehehehe. We met up with Amelia Tan as well. Hehehe. A really nice girl. She's also
Ipoh lang. = ] Thank you, Ame for guiding us around.
Alrite, back to story. After Sally's mummy came and pick us up, we went and beli some tau foo fa from
Funny Mountain. @.@ Cool name rite? And seriously, that's the name of the shop. Tau foo faa was quite sweet actually. But alrite la. Hehe. We bought some kaya puffs also (i think). And super cool auntie walked the wrong way. X D hahahaha. Then when she realised, she walk back the right way and smiled. X D hahahahaha.. So funny and cooool.. = ]
After that, we got back to The Wong's Palace. Their place was really really nice and warm. I remembered James complimenting their home. = ] So nice. Hehehehe.. Finally,
3/3. = P
We talked to Sally's daddy for quite some time till her mummy came back. Hehehe. If she didn't stop us, I think, we could talk and talk and talk summore. Got to know alot of stuffs. About his trip to myanmar, his bestman, some stuffs bout Ipoh, and lots more. = ] Hehehehehe. Very.... educational.
Then, we lepak lepak abit with her siblings for abit. = ] That was fun. Hehehe.. Then, after that, we sent Jia Wei to tuition (apparently, auntie doesn't know Jordan). James drove, I just... cheer him from behind. X P After that, we went to have some dessert at the place where there are lots of dessert stalls. We makan some duck leg. Pretty good stuffs. One of those stuffs that u MUST try if u're visiting Ipoh. Oh ya, before that, we actually ate Ipoh's
hor fun... Good stuff. MUST try also. X D Had some good laughs there also.
Sweet potato. Yummmmms
I'm not sure, but I think this is Lai Chee Kang?
Sally and her mum's ABC
Amelia's ABC. @.@
Duck leg wrap
Sebab Kedua.but.... oh well, they got good sebab-sebab kerana lambat kan? X P Hehehehe.
Then, after that, we balik lo. Sampai rumah d, Enli was watching some show on tv. That girl ar, quite shy. But after awhile, hehehehe.. We had good laughs.. = D We actually stayed up till quite "early in the morning" despite telling auntie that by 7 we sure can get up d 1... = X hehehehe... But that staying up was... quite fun.. Hehehehe... We actually stayed up till an alarm clock rang. = X Hehehe...
We were watching INSiDE
Thanx, Foo... = D
Day 2...
Woke up at 10a.m. Jia Jian and Jia Wei's still at home. = ] They were watching tv and makan some nasi lemak for brekfast. Hehehehe. Had a little bit of chat with them. But they still abit shy shy. = ] So was I. Hehehe. After awhile, Amelia came down. Then after another while, Sally came down. They got up awal awal to register for their subjects. Nasib baik, still got some slots. X P sorry for not waking u 2 up earlier. = ]
After register register d, @.@ the time... We were already late. T.T We were supposed to fetch enli up at 12.45 and by the time everything's done, it's already like 1 smth d. = X So, fast fast go lo. Hehehe. That day, something happened which actually frighten quite a few ppl. But, fortunately, it wasn't much la. = ] Oh, I would definitely remember that day. After that, we went and had our lunch at er... some kopitiam? Hahaha. I'm not sure exactly where it is but, they serve pretty good food there too. = ]
Sorry, the food was too good to just see.. X P
Jian looks yummy too? X DHehehehe.... Thirty-TWOOOOOO!!! X D It was really fun getting to talk to all of you all. And getting to know most of ur birthdays. I hope I wun forget any. Old ppl, memory not so good d. XP
After lunch, we went to the Ipoh Parade to jalan jalan for awhile. To digest. = D It was fun walking around and taking some pictures here and there. And and hor, there was one moment when we thought Jia Jian was missing. @.@ And James was missing too. @.@ So, we made an assumption that James brought Jia Jian go and try on some baju. Hahahaha. (
oh ya, we were in a clothes store, btw). Then, when I called them, they happened to be at the next door, checking out some dvds. Apparently, Jia Jian is quite into Naruto. Hmmm.. Kids nowadays. X D
Oh ya, did i mention that there was a "pencuriii"? X D Hahahaha. Nah, kidding kidding... Just enli. = ]
Introducing, The Pencuriii. = P
Hahahahaha.. Enli, Sally's sissy.
We tried on some specs too. = X
Those who were there
= ]Lepas itu, we drop Amelia at her parent's office? Uhmmm.. Was it called smth like "
TAIKO" ar? Hahaha.. Not sure. But, it's something like that rite? Do correct me if I'm wrong. = ] After dropping Amelia off and getting the directions to go back to Sally's place, we then followed enli to her dentist. She had a dental appointment on that day and the clinic was actually quite near their place.
Lepas itu, we dah la penat. So, we balik rumah lo. Lepak kat sana. Talk talk talk, watch some KICK-KE-TAS-KIN!! And talk talk summore. Hehehe. Very nice. I like it alot actually. After that, we drove over to a shop near Jia Wei's tuition place there for dinner.
Chicken Legs....
Some fried stuffs. Yummmy.. = D
Fishball and Meatball soup. = P
Super duper zuper yummy. Jun's favourite.The cool thing about that soup is, to makan those stuffs in the soup rite, we need to...
ask for Jia Jun's permission 1. @.@ Hahahaha. But seriously, that lil boy is very cute and I would say, he's pretty matured also. For a boy his age, I was in awe when he said something. He said something like
eh eh, since you all haven't eat before, each person take one"
He was referring to the meatballs and fishballs lo. I was surprised. He was willing to share his food with some of us. Waowww. Sally, u all have thought him well. = ]
Lil Kick Ke Tas Kin who has a big BIG heart.
His asam boi drink... Hahaha.. Nice niceAfter dinner, we balik over to their place for awhile. Did some packing ups and some piano sessions with Sally and her siblings. Jia Jian is pretty good.. @.@ I did learn 1 song from him actually. Hahaha. And and and!! Jia Jun also knows how to play. @.@ WAOW!! He duet-ed with Sally the "Lu Xing Yu" song and I was really really amazed. He can PLAY!! @.@ Got potential to be someone pretty hebat. Hahahaha. After learning some from Jian and playing some with Jun, we did some piano sessions... Oh... Me likey those piano sessions. Can we do it again? = D Sooo niceee..
After those piano sessions.... = ( It is time..... to say..... = ( bye bye... Haihhh... It feels like time was really zoooooming pass very very fast. @.@ It's over already. Too fast... TT.TT I didn't really get to do much also. Nonetheless, I still had an awesome time. One of those times that I probably wouldn't forget. = ]
A big
SHOUT OUT!! of thanks to :
1. Auntie Wong, who brought us around despite having to work on Thursday. T.T And also for treating us to sooooo many nice foods. I really did enjoy my stay there. Thanks also for the hospitality and for opening your home for us. We owe you lots. = ] And dun worry auntie, when it is time, I shall invite you to my "arch" dinner. X P
2. Uncle Wong, for sharing with us your experiences and those informations are actually pretty useful. Who knows? We might be going there for our Final Year Mission Trip. Hehehe. And all the bestman stories. X D thank you for that. And also thank you for sending us to the bus station, despite having to get up so early the next day. T.T Sorry for the inconvenience. But, thank you sooo much for fetching us. = ]
3. Jia Jun, for sharing with me ur meatball and fishball. And also for being my "buddy". Hehehe. U have been a really tremendous good friend. Also for being so nice to me and James while we were staying there. And also for sharing with me the 5 "skills" X D hopefully, when I go and see you again, u will remember me and the 5 "skills" la. Hopefully, hopefully. *fingers cross*
4.Jia Jian, for teaching me how to play that song. Hehehe. I didn't know there were more to that song. So, thank you for teaching me and for running around ur house? X D hahahaha. 27 seconds. Not bad... = ]
5. Jia Wei, for laughing with us in the car while we send u to tuition and also for talking abit bit. Hmmmm... Didn't really get to talk much to you but hopefully, we'll talk more the next time k? (hopefully there will be a next time la. *fingers cross even more*)
6. Enli, the pencuriii. Hahahahaha. Kidding kidding. Thank you for thirty-TWOOOOO-ing with us and for being a friend. = D it was nice talking to you and hanging out with you. ehehehe.. hope to see u again ya? and we can thirty-TWOOOOOOOO together-gether again. Hehehehe.. U were quite shy on thursday but on friday. hahahaha. That was fun, wasn't it? = D
7. Amelia, for bringing us here and there and for being our "tour guide". Hehehe. It was awful nice of you to spend some time lepak-ing with us. Hehehe. Hope to see u more often in MMU and not just in Ipoh ya? Hahahaha.. Funny thing was, we 1 whole year kat MMU, tak pernah meet and when at Ipoh, 2 days straight.. X D Hahahaha.
8. James Chong Wen-Rou, X D. Hahahahaha. For teman-ing me on my sudden wanting to go to Ipoh and also for willingly driving around Ipoh. = X I owe u man... = D Hehehehe. Really, it was really nice of you to teman me go. I think, it would be a weird if I go there alone. So, thank you very much for teman-ing me. = D
9. Papa and Mama Chong, for sending us to sentral so early in the morning and for treating me breakfast on Thursday and brunch on Saturday. Also, thank you soooo much for sending me home as well.
I think... that's about all rite? Hehehe. Thank you all for everything and I truly... truly appreciate it all. = ]
Thanx alot, James... = ]X D Hahahahahahaha.. I'm leaving out somebody to thank for rite? Hehehehe...
10. Thank you,
Sally!! for letting us stay at ur parent's place while we were in Ipoh and also for suddenly agreeing to let us come over. I know I know, it's... quite short notice and we didn't really plan well. I'm sorry.. But, I really have no idea wat's good or wat I wanna visit in Ipoh. If we ever go again *fingers cross*, we'll be more prepared and we'll let you know earlier k? Hopefully that wouldn't be our last la. Really would like to visit Ipoh again someday. There are soooo many other places and food that I still wanna go and visit. For example, St. Michael's and the Pologround. Oh, I miss Ipoh already. = ] No wonder u want to go back everytime. X D Hahahaha. Now, i know why. Anyway, thank you very very VERY much for being such a nice hostess and for everything. = D And I mean,
everything = ]
Thank you, both!!