
Friday, July 9, 2010
It sure is one superb week for me. Got so much stuffs going on and next week...

M S K ! !

Oh my... Am I prepared for it? I... do not think I am. Well, I am not doing much actually. Just watching. But I hope, everything will go according to plan. Huhhh.. It has been quite a busy time for me. But, I thank God somehow, I still manage to pull through.

Besides that,

I love my new CG. = ] I'm not saying that my old CG is bad k? (no, james... different CGs have different plus points = ]) But still,

I love my new CG. = ]

Joshua!! It's time to get our CG name d. Faster get one or i will start calling ourselves Zoo CG. X) Hehehehe. Oh ya, did i tell you all that our CG got our own theme song d? X)

(actually, I self proclaim that this is our CG song 1 X D)

Hehehehe. And yesterday, we had our 2nd CG outing. = D Yahooooooo!! Me likey outings alot lot.

That is because we........

ate yummylicous foods. = ]

We also....

Modeled. X D

= ] It definitely was fun hanging out with them yesterday. But sadly, not all of them were able to make it yesterday. Some busy busy with so many other things. T.T It's good la, but, for all those who can't make it for CG, do try and come a few times k? Cause, really, CG is really fun. I know, I know, in life, it's not always bout fun fun fun. But, I believe (I may be wrong, and if I am, please correct me.) and I hope I am not wrong but, even God wants us to rest at times. That's why there are such things as Sabbath Day and Selah. = ] So, if u are reading this and thinking about skipping CG, think again k? Hehehehe. I strongly encouraged that u reconsider. = ]

CG is FUN!! = D dun believe me? Ask those who were present yeterday. X)

Part of the "Zoo CG" X)
Joshua, we need a name.. X)

Gosh, I am actually, in quite a situation here. Haihhh.. I SHOULD have prayed and asked for wisdom from God wayyyyyyy earlier. Instead of... now. I should have asked how to manage all these stuffs before... now. = ( Haihhh. Nvm nvm. I shall ask for wisdom. I hope I can find a solution for this.

Anyway, tmw will be a good day. A great day. Got nth much except for the MSK practices and my my, the juniors and seniors have really put alot of effort into this. = O I am really proud of
ALL of them. Their hardworks are... worth smiling about. = ] I'm really proud of you all. Hehehe.. Many many many thanks to Cheryl, who is actually my partner in crime. She actually did most of the work. I just did some only. So, if MSK is a success, it's her hardwork with God's help la of course. If it's... messy and tak kena... = X that would be me. But but but, I really do hope everything will turn out fine.

That's all for today. But before I pen down (or keyboard down), I would like to end with a...

picture of myself and a ROXY model! X D

when you share the gospel,
make sure u live the gospel.
= ]
taken form ODB, 9th July 2010.

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