I'm helping

Thursday, January 14, 2010
my fren promo her blog.

If you guys who do drop by here occasionally wants to do some online shopping, do drop by here and check out the dresses here ya? The dresses are really nice looking and i think they are pretty cheap too. = D I would definitely get my girlfren (if i have 1 la) 1 of these dresses.

Yup, she would look lovely in this.

That's claire. Isn't she pretty? Hehehehehe... = ]

For further info, u can contact me or u can contact the blog owner also la... Hehehe.. Seriously, the dresses there are quite awesome. So, if u're online shopping, do drop by here k? Thanx.

Btw, claire is the dress name.. I think. Hehehehe. And according to my fren, the dresses are in good quality. = ]

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