
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Hmmmm.. This week, pretty tiring and crazy week. T.T But, I enjoyed it lots. I enjoyed Friday and Saturday soooo much. Was soooo tiring but still, I enjoyed it super duper lots. Hehehe. Then, on Sunday, whole body aching. Now, still feel some ache all around but slowly, it's reducing.

I didn't really like Sunday. = \ It was... quite a "down" Sunday actually. Wasn't feeling the best of myself on Sunday. But like every other days, last Sunday has passed to. = ]

Devotion at nite was... alright lo. Am pretty happy to see Jia Tsing again. Hahaha. Had lots of doubt but am pretty glad that I did it anyway. = ] Thank God for that. But when pastor ask to write the 3 most important things on 3 pieces of paper and when she ask us to discard 2 of those 3, I have difficulty discarding that 2. = X Hmmmm... When that situation really happens... Am I really able to discard the other 2?

I've made lots of wrong decisions

= ] Pizza Hut was good. Although it was a lil hard at first but I'm glad it happened. I hope... and I pray that may it be according to Big Daddy's will. Hahahaha. Actually, I know that it will definitely be according to His will 1. We're just following His flow. So, may it be according to His will la. Hehehe...

Go with His flow....... = ]

p/s : to my fan, this update is for you... = ]

we'll wait and see Big Daddy's plan ya? = ]

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